
Heating This Old Country House

James Hall | 18th Sep 2015


Ever wonder if switching to electric heat will actually save you money? Here is a review by a one of our customers in Pennsylvania.

 "You should know that my wife and I have blatantly violated your right to keep your product secret by showing off the heaters we purchased and bragging them up to friends, relatives, and visitors. We purchased twelve of them last year in hopes of reducing the cost of heating this OLD COUNTRY HOUSE. We used to heat with fuel oil and burned as much as 150 gallons a month at a cost of roughly $400.00 each month. When I looked at the amperage draw of your units and the area each would heat I was certain that we could reduce the fuel consumption. My friends and relatives all warned me that my electric bill would go up a lot. It did. It went up about $100.00 a month, BUT, we burned maybe 10 gallons of fuel oil which roughly translates to $27.00 saving us about $273 a month. Does anyone think I'm unhappy? Really, we love the heaters. Thanks.”

Our Envi Heater is economical because:

  • Cost as lille as .04 cents an hour
  • Uses only 4 amps, same as 4-5 light bulbs
  • Low 475 watts usage
  • 100% pure convection, loses no heat into the walls or out the front

Visit eheat today and see how these highly efficient wall mounted heaters can make a difference in your heating bills this winter.


World's Number One Wall Mounted Panel Heater

Get yours today and join the 200,000+ Satisfied Customers

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  • Made in USA
  • ISO 9001
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