
Envi - Heating Your House in Extreme Cold

James Hall | 19th Jan 2016

Freezing temperatures and heater

Throughout most of the Mid-West and Northeast there are freezing temperature and it seems like they are not going anywhere. The Envi Heater is the best solution for heating in freezing or below freezing temperatures and here are some reasons why. Enjoy! 

Keeping Pipes From Freezing

When the freezing temperatures come in, the pipes around your house are likely to freeze without good insulation. Also, even within the house pipes are expose and therefore could cause some serious problems.

The Envi Heater has a built-in thermostat that can be set to keep a room at an above freezing temperature. The unit will only run when it needs to keep the room above freezing allowing the pipes in your house stay safe all winter long.

Keeps The Bathroom Toasty

Stepping out of the shower into a cold room is one of the most uncomfortable feelings on the planet. This feeling sets a bad tone for the rest of the day, but it can be solved quickly.

The Envi Heater is the perfect bathroom solution. It is cool to the touch on the outside surface so you don’t have to worry about getting burnt. It works just fine in high humidity situations, and even some splash won’t hurt the unit. Lastly, it does not dry out the air so the moisture in the room feels natural making for a wonderful experience.

A Whole House Of Even Warmth

Throughout almost every home in America there is at least one room that is always cold. During the freezing months moving from room to room is almost impossible because of the temperature change. However, the Envi Heater can quickly resolve this issue through zone heating. Simply put an Envi Heater in the cold rooms and allow the unit to keep the room at a warm temperature at a low operating cost.

Night Time Savings

When the lights go out the house goes empty, except for the bedrooms. Imagine having heat in only the bedrooms that you sleep in, and therefore not having to heat the whole house just to keep a bedroom warm. This is the beauty of the Envi Heater in the freezing months. You will be able to save a lot of money by turning down the large house heater at night, and only use the Envi’s for the bedrooms. This brings a whole new meaning to night time savings!

Safe 24/7

Last but not least is the safety of the Envi Heater. We have never had a fire claim against us in our history of the Envi Heater. We recommend leaving the unit mounted, plugged-in, and on. This way the unit can keep you warm while saving you money all winter long.

Find out more about the Envi Heater here

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